Hours: Full and Part Time considered
Salary: Dependent on experience (Ask Recruiter Below)
- Preparing Sole Trader, Partnership and Ltd Company Accounts
- Preparing Corporation Tax Returns
- Preparing VAT Returns
- Preparing Management Accounts
How they help their Clients:
- Know how their business is performing at any time, on any day (not the usual annual accounts focused on the previous 12-months!).
- Pinpoint, quantify and realise opportunities £s lurking in your business.
- Bounce ideas off and be held accountable and challenged by an experienced accountant who's emotionally invested in their success!
They also offer the usual, standard accountancy and bookkeeping services.
For more information, please contact the below:
Ross Tremayne
Recruitment Consultant
T: 07955 269 094
E: ross@supreme-ss.com